Important Notification: changing (UFIN) United Front for Iranian Nationalists to (UIP) United Iranian Party.
By this announcement, we declare to Iranians inside and outside of the county as well as our members and supporters that on 17/02/1389 (07/05/2010) the congress of (UIP) had an emergency meeting with more than half of his members present. In this meeting with an overwhelming majority it was approved that after thirteen years of activities in the national interest (Iran) of this organization (UFIN) United Front for Iranian Nationalists changed to a National and Political Party (UIP) United Iranian Party.
How the organization came into being
The manifesto of the HEZB E ETTHAD E MELLI IRAN
A) Introduction
B) The manifesto of the organization
The articles of association of the
Chapter One: Goals
Chapter Two: fundaments of the organization
Section one: the branch
Section Two: central cadre
Section three: congress
Chapter three: miscellaneous regulations
The diagram and table of number of members of the organization
How the organization came into existence
Annexed section
The message of the secretary general of the organization
How to contact our bureau
The diagram of the members of the organization
We are on the verge of the sixth anniversary of establishment of the JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN on 21/Azar 1382 corresponding to December, 03, 2003. Considering that the combats and struggles of this organization against the religious dictatorship of Islamic Republic have been vastly welcome by the Iranian compatriots, we made up our mind to publish for the third time the manifesto and articles of association of the organization together with the message of secretary general of the organization and a small collection of the struggles of students as well as photos of some crimes perpetrated by the atrocious regime ruling Iran so they would be available to dear Iranians. In the hope that some day we will have a free, glorious Iran once the struggles of you heroes of the way of liberty and freedom has become fruitful.
A design of the flag of the
How the organization came into existence
The JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN declared its existence by a group of combatant, freedom-seeking offspring of the country and through the day and night activities of Messrs Dr. Mohammad Reza Barzegar Befroei, Ali Barzegar Befroei, Farhad Moshiri and Eng. Tabatabaei together with the late Col. Yasaei, Mrs. Afsar Shater Hosseini, Mohammad Baghbani and Einollah Mazaheri and through support of a number of students and university staff, workers and writers in Iran on 12.12.1997 during a gathering in Cyprus as per the manifesto and articles of association which you observe here and began its activities inside and outside the country towards the freedom and democracy and efforts for establishment of an independent sovereign and national state with the participation of all active political groups.
The first active center began its activity on 23.12.1997 under command of Mrs. Afsar Shater Hosseini and Mr. Mohammad Baghbani and in continuation of its struggles; they dedicated their lives to the cause of their sublime goals. Presently, the resistance nuclei are active as a chain in the towns and villages of the country and are progressing towards the establishment of a JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN and establishment of a homeland which is the manifestation of wishes of the young generation.
The charter of the
A: preamble
Our efforts are meant for and directed towards liberation of the homeland and freedom from the religious fascism and founding a national, popular and progressive system in Iran.
In our opinion, the toppling of the Islamic Republic regime is the first stage of the struggle. The second stage which is equally as important as the first stage is to build a modern Iranian society which will be possible only by participation of all people and different tendencies. For this purpose, we try to remove, from the very outset, the political, emotional obstacles which have separated Iranians from one another. Iranians, as the heirs of the common and glorious history and culture, are too close to one another to be separated by fabricated, insignificant labels.
We call upon all tendencies and factions to cooperate to topple down the walls of horror and suspicion which menace the unity and welfare of our nation.
Respect for law demands that criminals and pillagers be tried in a court of justice. The fact that what position individuals have held previously should not preclude them from maintaining their present and future solidarity. What counts high is to respect the rights of others. The most important of all is the fact that individuals should keep their beliefs and views and nobody should not entitle themselves to destroy others. We must put an end to periods of taking revenge and personal settlement of political accounts
In order to remove the violence which exists in the Iranian culture and politics the penalty of execution (capital sentence) must be annulled and the political crime should be terminated. Having any opinions or taking any position or political decision to be made or acceptance of any position is not a crime and the only crimes scholars have recognized in the democratic societies and which have been stipulated in the law could be the cause for legal pursuits or persecutions. No one may be prosecuted or purged in the name of or under the pretext of political crime in any regime.
A free, powerful society could not be established unless the general public would agree upon the some of its fundamental principles and only if the political discipline would preserve its principles.
Independence and territorial integrity and unity of Iran, popular sovereignty and human rights are principles on which the whole Iranians have consensus. Various political tendencies may have their own special programs for administering and organizing the society. Such differences of opinion are the cause of strength of political system.
If we lay the basis of our struggles with Islamic Republic on the matter of sovereignty of people and human rights, this does not mean that we will compromise in the course of our combat and or we will deem it permitted to reconcile with the anti-Iranian, anti-popular regime of Velayat-e-faghih(religious jurisprudence ) . Rather, our struggle is motivated right by our belief in the people’s sovereignty and nationalism and human rights. We oppose the Islamic Republic not for our position or property or house or our life, rather, for national interests of Iran and individual rights of the Iranians. We fight the values of this regime. In our opinion, the life of Islamic Republic must be terminated much the sooner and so long as there is any trace left of Iran.
We will not spare any effort in this way and we underline that in this way we oppose any armed, violent struggle.
B- Manifesto of the organization
Historical values and experiences of the Iranian nation make up the basis of our political program. By availing ourselves of the best aspects of these values and national experience, i.e. Iranian nationalism, liberalism, progressivism, social justice, we have brought about our own ideological, political provisions.
Nationalism is a manifestation of the will of the nation in safeguarding its own identity and rights and a token of steadfastness versus the lootings and aggression of others and the defence of national interests.
Liberalism means putting the rights of the individual in the centre of political thought. The rise of all governmental powers is from the individuals of the society and organizing the society in such manner that rights of the individuals would be preserved. Progressivism is an all-out national commitment to development and economic, political and cultural progress. It is the aspiration and wishes of a nation to overcome and triumph over misery and backwardness and to keep up with today’s world and build a strong, staunch and affluent country with cognizant, affluent people.
Social justice includes a series of policies which aim is to let the talents flourish and offer equal possibilities and opportunities to individuals and balance and adjust the inequalities and ensure the future of people and support those who lag behind in the contest of progress.
Based on these values, we proclaim the following principles as our manifesto:
Independence and territorial integrity and unity of Iranian nation precede any other thing for us and we shall defend it at any price or cost and in any situation.
Sovereignty of the people and rule of law is the basis of Iran’s political system. The free vote of the people shall determine the destiny of the country and the type of government and its policies.
No law or majority may deny individuals their natural, inalienable rights. These rights as defined in the world proclamation of human rights and political, economical, social and cultural covenants include the immunity of life and freedom and possessions of the people as protected by law and duties of the governments in securing and providing the minimum living conditions in conformity with the human norms and prestige for all the people.
All people are equal versus the law and no tribal, religious, sex or class prerogative is granted anyone and nobody is allowed to take the helm of destiny of the people in the name of being God’s successor or representative or as divine favours having been bestowed upon them or by God’s graces. Religion is separate from the government. No authority may inquire others about their religion. We do not recognize any minority except for the votes and that still temporarily.
Political parties and labour unions and guild, association’s syndicates with any ideologies should be free. The law and the courts shall preserve and keep their rights and limits as well as their members. The freedom of mass media should be secured and necessary laws be drawn up for safeguarding the liberty of their activities and observing the limitation of the civil liability of the mass media.
Provinces and towns and all civil divisions units within their own authority, must have necessary powers to run and administer their domestic affairs through council elections. We propose the system of local governments and division of government and not sovereignty among the central government and local governments. Iranian provinces should attend the Senate through equal representation.
Persian is the symbol of national unity and common, official national language of the country and every Iranian must speak and be trained in it as every Iranian has the right to speak in his own local language and be trained in it.
The justice administration must be independent of political, religious authorities. The conformity of ordinary laws with the constitution and the supervision of execution of laws and dealing with and processing petitions and complaints raised by individuals against the government shall be the task of justice administration. The judges must enjoy the authority and position and be free from fiscal want which is the prerequisite of their independence.
Iran’s foreign policy should be based on the safeguarding the independence and sovereignty, independence of other powers and cooperation with neighbours and mutual friendship with all countries and being kept from foreign adventurisms.
Iran should deploy armed forces commensurate with its defence, security needs. Iran’s foreign a defence policy should lay emphasis on the increase of mutual confidence and cooperation in the region and prevention from armed race in the Persian Gulf and effacing South West Asia from chemical and nuclear arms.
Freeing the productive forces and strengthening of all efforts made towards the expansion and promotion of economic capacity and upgrading the living standards of the people by the protection of state government constitutes the principle of an efficient, progressive economic policy. Except for several strategic fields, the state should withdraw from administering and possessing the institutions and should instead employ its energy in preventing from monopolies and unjust competitions and supporting the consumers and providing the conditions for economic growth and protecting the industries and financial institutions versus pressures beyond their stage of maturity.
Agriculture and development of villages along the expansion of industrial sector and services should be realized through guaranteeing the price of agricultural products, taking industry and services to villages, promotion of credit facilities and distribution network and improvement of other production factors.
Women should enjoy full political, social and legal equality with men. The unity and solidarity of the family as well as equality of women and men in family relations and particularly preserving the rights of children should be guaranteed. Women should be offered the opportunity to enter the arena of miscellaneous activities by creating facilities in guarding and breeding children.
Culture is the vital factor of progress of the society. Freedom of art and cultural creation and scientific research and promotion of national culture as well as helping enrich the local cultures and promotion of cultural infrastructure of the country and encouraging artists and craftsmen should be the guide to cultural policies.
Major part of priority must be given to education. Investment towards promotion of level of education of various age groups particularly in children and the youth should not be spared at all. Technical, professional education and training through deployment of possibilities of various institutes in various sectors of the economy should have a significant, key place in the effort towards education. Universities must cooperate with other institutes in scientific, technical researches. Educational planning should take place taking into consideration the needs of work market and in line with total planning of the country. The Iranian children must get acquainted with national, humane values and be grown up with minds open to free scientific thinking. The teachers and instructors should be given their material, moral reward.
Economic development should be kept in pace with improvement and preservation of the environment. The water and soil and forests of Iran and the climate of the towns should be kept against pollution and corrosion and destruction.
Just distribution of national income and services, narrowing the class gap and the difference in living standards of the town and the village, offering equal opportunity to all, lay-off , disability, sickness insurances, protection of the family and parentless children , particularly those killed in the war and the invalids are an integral part of the national plan of reconstruction and progress.
Reconstruction of war-stricken regions and compensation of damages sustained by war refugees and providing housing for the people should be placed on top of the development projects of the towns and villages of Iran.
Losses and damages borne by individuals should be justly compensated for and fiscal disagreements resulting from the revolution should be dealt with by forming competent councils and suitable conditions must be provided for returning Iranians driven out of the country (homeland). Though no reward may make up for the devotedness and sacrifice of those killed or made invalid during the revolution and the war, necessary sources must be provided for meeting the living of the invalids and the families of those martyred.
Articles of association of the
Chapter One: goal
Article 1- JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN called in this articles of association “the front” is incorporated in order to organize the salvation struggle and reconstruction of Iran based on the national unity and territorial integrity and independence of Iran and setting up democracy and respect for human rights and it is ready to cooperate with all nationalist, freedom-seeking forces who are committed to the said principles. Principles of the ideology and the manifesto of the Iranian patriotic , national unity front as contained in the charter has priority over and prevails all documents of the organization.
Chapter two: fundaments of the front
Article 2- fundaments of the front are as follow:
Branch- nucleus
Central cadre
Section one: branch
Article 3- Iranians partisan for and supporting JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN may organize the branch of the respective town among themselves based on the charter and articles of association of the organization. If the number of volunteers opting for setting up a branch is less than 12 persons, they will act as the nucleus of the organization. In the towns near each other, the nuclei may set up a branch by joining one another and reaching the quorum. The nuclei may also join the nearest branch of their own town.
Article 4- in order to compose the volunteers branch, they shall invite ever more Iranians from among liberalist, nationalist persons of their own district and shall hold orientation, acquaintance sessions and set up the branch founding general assembly with the participation of those who have signed the membership sheet and select branch members.
Elections shall be in conformity with democratic norms, like giving opportunity and chances to members to get acquainted with each other and exchange views and give election speeches , introduction of candidates of membership of the council and taking votes by three-member supervision council on individuals who are not themselves candidates.
Note: general assembly founder of the branch shall be held in presence of representative of central council and the branch shall be in session only after receiving the credentials from the central council.
Article 5- organs of the branch are as follow:
general assembly
executive board
executive committees
Article 6- the general assembly is formed and composed of all members of the branch and is the highest organ of the branch. The duties of the general assembly are as follow:
1) Study and decision making about the branch activities
2) Investigating the report and matters put forth by the council and subjects which may be proposed by the members
3) Selection of council members
Article 7- the general assembly is held once every year in the second quarter of the Iranian year. The first task of the general assembly is to elect the presiding council composed of three persons who shall elect one chairman and one co-chairman and one secretary from among themselves and take on the administering general assembly sessions.
Article 8- the branch members shall be invited at least twice a year by the local central cadre for holding general sessions and hold talks about the branch tasks. General meeting under any title which it might be shall not replace the general assembly and it has none of the powers thereof. At any time that at least one third of branch members should request the general meeting to convene, the central local cadre shall invite the members for this purpose.
Article 9- local central cadre members shall be elected for the period of one year with relative majority of general assembly. The number of local central cadre members shall be relative to the members of the branch and as per the annexed table of the articles of association. Local central cadre members should have at least one year membership record in the patriotic, national unity front organization. The central cadre is charged with running the branch affairs and shall elect one chairman and one co-chairman with relative majority from among itself. If the chairman fails to continue his task due to any reason, the co-chairman shall fulfil his duties. Local central cadre may draw up regulations within the limit of the articles of association, but the regulations shall not super cede the articles at any time.
Note: in case any of the local central cadre members should fail to go on with their task due to any reason, whatsoever, their successor shall be designated from among the holders of (alternate) majority by order of the votes.
Article 10- the task of the local central cadre who are elected at the founder general assembly shall be up to the deadline as provided for in the articles of association , unless less than six months is left in which case it will be deferred to next year.
Article 11- executive council (board) shall be designated by local central cadre from among branch members with at least seven members. Executive board members may be members of the local central cadre as well. Members of the executive board shall perform daily tasks and duties of the branch under supervision of the chairman of council, however, local central cadre is the deciding authority and the report of executive board must be given to the council in each session.
Note: the local central cadre may use and benefit from the services of the non-members as counsellors and advisors as well
Article 12- executive board members shall be designated by its responsible and in-charge from among branch members and efforts must be made to let all members have membership at least in one executive committee.
Article 13- fixed executive committees and their duties are as follow and the local central cadre may make changes in their duties:
1) Secretariat, in charge of keeping the documents and data and process-verbal and correspondences and service of invitations and publications and notices in cooperation with other committees in every case.
2) Fiscal supply dept., in charge of income and costs, arrangement of budget, keeping accounts and fiscal books and arrangement of six month fiscal operational reports of the branch, collection of membership fees and entry fees, providing for activities of the branch
3) organization, in charge of collecting the names and data relating to nationalist Iranians in their district and increase of members through setting up contacts and holding sessions, dispatch of newsletters and pamphlets of the front and cooperation with political education committee in holding seminars and meetings
4) public relations, in charge of collection of names and data related to authorities and mass media and Iranian , non-Iranian personalities and also publications and Iranian journalists of the region, in order to send publications and letters and statements of the front and establishment of contacts and also, holding rituals and commemorations and national feasts and running publicity, publication affairs
5) Political training, in charge of distribution of publications inside the front and political literature and that of nationalists among the members in cooperation with committees of the secretariat and organization dept; holding sessions and seminars, encouraging members to participate in meetings and fruitful activities in the region.
Article 14- the council may set up other committees, in addition to fixed committees, including temporary ones, for instance for cultural, social services, human rights, research and planning and study of Iran’s issues. The tenure or office term of chairmen and members of the temporary committees shall be terminated upon termination of respective committees.
Note: contact with Iranians inside the country and dispatch and receipt of messages and topics shall be done merely by special individuals whose identities remain concealed.
Article 15- council and executive board meetings should be held together as much as possible, however, executive board members who are not members of the local central cadre have no right of voting.
Article 16- change of the chairman and co-chairman of local central cadre and or any of members of executive board may be made upon vote of majority of members of local central cadre.
Article 17- conditions of membership in the front are as follow:
1) Iranian nationality, Iranians who have accepted foreign nationalities may become members as well
2) Residence in the district
3) Acceptance of the charter and articles of association of the front by completing and undersigning the application form of the membership
4) Payment of annual fee and in case of non-payment of the membership fee, membership shall be terminated at the end of the year.
5. minimum age 16 years up
6. passing the probationary membership course for six months
7. Approval of the membership by protection department of the organization and one member from political bureau and central committee.
Article 18- membership in more than one branch and also, in parties and other Iranian political organizations is prohibited. The front members may not go to Iran before establishment of democratic system and travel to Islamic Republic is tantamount to resigning from the front.
Article 19- names and particulars of the members of the branches must be at the disposal of the central local cadre. For this purpose, the original membership application form of the branch members shall be sent to central cadre and in each election of the local cadre council, the names of participants in the general assembly, including those who have appointed proxies, shall be registered in the process-verbal and reported subsequently together with it to the central cadre.
Article 20- for all members of the front, membership card on which organizational code has been inserted shall be issued. Supply and issuance of the membership cards is among the powers of the central office and membership card shall be signed by secretary general. The validity of membership cards is for one year and holder of the card should in all times consider his own responsibility towards the front and respect it.
Article 21- the costs of the membership cards is borne by the respective branches and following requirements must be satisfied for issuance of the membership cards:
passing an educational or training course
payment of membership fee and presence in the front activities
subscription of Bamdad Iran magazine , the organ of JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN
applying for the card by the chairman of local cadre
Note: only branches that have fulfilled their obligations versus the central bureau may apply for the card for their members. Further, due to security reasons, no cards are granted to members inside Iran and only organizational codes are distributed.
Article 22- members may change their branch upon following conditions:
admission of thee request for change of the branch by central local cadre of both respective branches
approval of central cadre
Article 23- in case of displacement of the member from one town to another town, the transfer to nearer branch shall not need any approval by respective central bureau and central cadre. In no circumstances, can a member be forced to change the branch.
Article 24- expulsion from membership of t he branch with majority of two thirds of local cadre. Regarding the expulsion of local cadre members, the approval of the central bureau is also necessary.
Article 25- branches must take into account security observations in inviting individuals to the membership and care must be taken in all activities that the front be protected against infiltration of intruding factors and elements.
Article 26- local bureau shall pay part of their income to be determined by the view of central bureau to it.
Section two: central bureau
Article 27- central cadre shall be elected by the congress and its duties are as follow:
coordination and general administration of the front and what is beyond the competency and capability of the local cadre of branches
supervision of execution of the charter and articles of association and decisions of the congress settlement of disagreements and dealing with complaints in the Iranian patriotic and national unity front representation of the front before various authorities and where it is upper than level of branches
supervision of formation of branches and issuance of credentials for them and effort to make to promote the front dissolution of the branches by virtue of the articles of association holding the congress administration of publication organ of the front which costs shall be paid from credits of subscription price of readers and all members.
Note: other than the central bureau, no other organ has the right to publish official magazine and notices. It is permissible for them to publish the news of activities of branches in the mass media.
Article 28- the number of members of central office is five persons and its period is two years. Central office members shall be elected from among front members with relative vote of the congress. If each of central office members fails to continue the work due to any reason, his successors shall be chosen from among holders of majority in elections. Membership of more than one person from one specific cadre in the central cadre is forbidden. In such cases only the candidate who has got votes more than others in a branch would find his /her way into the central cadre and the votes of others shall not be taken into account.
Article 29- division of duties and the procedure of maintaining contacts and arrangement of works of the central cadre shall be its own responsibility and it may designate on his own responsibility the advisor and the bureau and special committees. Members of central cadre acts as a group and not as in his own person. Decisions of central council shall be valid with a majority of three persons. Central cadre members shall elect the secretary general and deputy secretary general.
Article 30- the secretary general shall elect individuals as the representative of the cadre from alternate members of the central cadre and also the chairmen of the cadres where it is necessary so that it would fulfil part of its duties on behalf of the central cadre.
Article 31- in case the interests of the front would necessitate that any of central cadre members would be removed; the following procedure shall be employed:
1. Reasons of the deposal shall be studied considering the views of respective cadre in presence of the related member, himself/herself, and if after twice written invitations, each with an interval of two weeks, they fail to present themselves.
2. Central cadre would vote for the deposal of the said member
Section three: congress
Article 32- the congress is the highest pillar of the front and it shall be held once every two years in the third quarter of Iranian year and its venue shall be held as much as possible alternately in the U.S. and Europe until it would become possible to hold it in Iran. The duties of the congress are as follow:
1) Dealing with the report of central council and determining the policies of the front
2) Decision-making about the proposals of the congress members
3. change of the charter and articles of association
4. election of the central cadre members
Note: regarding the paragraph (4), relative vote of the congress shall be valid
Article 33- the congress is composed of central cadre members and each member of the congress votes in his own name. The regulations of the running of the congress are like that of the general assembly. The participation of the front members as supervisors in the congress meetings is free and they may take part in the discussions but they will not be entitled to the right of voting.
Article 34- to hold the extraordinary congress, the approval of two thirds of the branches of the front is necessary. The order of holding the extraordinary congress is like the ordinary congress.
Chapter three: miscellaneous regulations
Article 35- the quorum for the meetings of the general assembly and the congress to be in session is participation of at least half plus one of members. In case that after renewed invitation with an interval of two to four weeks such quorum would not be reached, the meetings shall be in session with the number of participants. The decisions shall be acquired in all cases and in all authorities of the organization upon absolute majority of votes (half plus one) unless in cases accepted in the articles of association. The quorum for the meetings of the organization being in session is always half plus one of members and no decision may be making with votes less than that. By participation we mean the presence or giving proxy or written vote by using all the means that modern technology makes possible.
Article 36- the place and time of meetings of the organization and general assembly and the congress should be notified to the members respectively at least one week, one month and two months earlier unless in the emergency cases.
Article 37- in elections, in case the votes of the last two persons is equal, a vote will be taken between them. The voting in elections is secretly held unless it is not possible technically.
Article 38- giving proxy by members of the organization and the branch and the central office is permissible. Not more than one person may be given proxy, unless regarding and in the case of the congress. Holder of proxy should in any case be the member of the same organ or pillar, i.e. general assembly (for members of the local cadre) and cadre of the branch and central cadre. The proxy must be in written. If the members send their views and votes in written or through other means, they may not give proxy, then.
Article 39- in cases where the local cadre fails to continue work due to internal discords, the following procedure shall be applied:
1. central cadre will appoint one of its members of the front as the arbiter for settlement of disagreements
2. if the discord is not settled, central cadre shall dissolve the local cadre and shall invite the branch members to convene the extraordinary general meeting to elect a new cadre for the rest of the period of the dissolved cadre through supervision of the representative of the central cadre.
Article 40 – in cases where the majority of branch members would apply in written for re-election of local cadre, the central cadre will dispatch its representative for holding the extraordinary assembly and election of a new cadre. The mission of the new cadre shall be for the rest of period of the dissolved cadre.
Article 41- chairman of the cadre or central cadre is its spokesman, unless otherwise is determined or provided for. The spokesmen in any level or for any case shall act as per the limits set by the cadre or the central cadre.
Article 42- inviting the guests and non-members for participation in the general meetings and general sessions and the congress are permitted.
Article 43- the symbol (emblem) of the front is the lion and the sword and the sun all lay in the Iranian map. All official deeds of the front must conform to the sample fixed by the central cadre. The map of the organization is in the color of blue sky and the emblem of the organization is located in the middle of it.
Article 44– these articles of association are drawn up and endorsed in 44 articles and 7 notes in the founder conference of the organization dated 12.12.1997 in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Table of members of the council
Number of members of the branch general assembly
No. of council members
Number of members of the branch general assembly | No. of council members |
15-19 | 3 |
20-39 | 5 |
40-59 | 7 |
60-79 | 9 |
80-109 | 11 |
110-139 | 13 |
140-174 | 15 |
175 up | 17 |
The message of the secretary general of the organization
We are on the brink of the sixth anniversary of the establishment of JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN on December, 12th. We witness the presence of about 20 million students and 1.5 million students in schools and universities of the country, therefore, the JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN regards it its duty to intensify the combat and struggle for freedom of the imprisoned students and university teachers and for freedom of university, scientific and cultural atmosphere and for its liberation from the domination of rulers of ignorance and atrocity and repression.
The liberalists and freedom-seekers and Iranian opposition abroad, especially those who support the Iranian student movement are required to resort to all groups and Iranians institutions and international institutions defending the human rights to stop suppression and repressive atmosphere in the university atmosphere through any possible means. We must try through unity and concordance to free the detained students and political prisoners and try to return cultural, political liveliness and activity to the universities. We must admit that during the past year, heavy blows were inflicted on the student movement of Iran. The repression and savage dealing with this culminated in the June, July events that demobilized the student movement and stripped and voided it of its previous morale.
Presently, some active students are imprisoned and held in custody. A large number are wounded and many have even dispensed with returning to university atmosphere. The student societies have suffered division and splintering. Despair and destitution is on the rise.
The special judiciary, security system of mullahs, is pursuing the project of displaying the repentant students so that they would succeed in questioning the student movement credibility by smashing the character and self-respect of the leaders of the student movement. In fact, the student movement in the past years was one of the pillars of the liberal, democratic movement that transformed the Iranian visage during the past 6-7 years.
The savage rulers of Iran were free to put their finger first on the press and subsequently closed down 18 main publications and then clamped down on such nationalists like Ganji, Baghi etc and stopped the circulation of types of reformist publications one by one.
Now, came the turn for the parties and organizations, the freedom movement, national, religious organizations were cracked down and such outstanding cultural, political figures like Aghajari were detained and the rest were severely menaced. Finally, they turned to student movements, and created the situations we witness today. The student movement, however, during recent years, had some peculiarities paying attention to which can be determining in revivifying and reconstructing and making ever stronger the democratic movement and liberalism of the nation of Iran. First is the fact that the student movement grew out of the heart of the Islamic organizations such as the Dafter Tahkim Vahdat or office strengthening the unity etc. and displayed a variable depth and capacity of currents. Secondly, this movement in relation with preceding student movements manifests some sort of separation with the past and heralds a new beginning. The student movements in the past were either under influence of communists and Mojahedeen or Islamic and favouring the clergy.
The student movement today is basically non-ideological and freedom and human rights and nationalism are the practical demands of the students. Student movement of today is a pacific movement.
This movement has alienated itself from far past revolutionary, forcible thoughts and now promotes and promulgates non-violence and pacifist step to be taken through a step by step trend. The past Iranian student movements , were impressed by repressive measures by Mohammad Reza Shah who was backed by the U.S. as well as the anti-cold war atmosphere between the two blocs, had harsh anti-American, anti-U.S. and anti Israeli tendency. But, today’s vast student movement is far from those thoughts and while believing in nationalism and national sovereignty, wishes for friendship with the world and settlement of discords with the U.S. And Israel. In fact, universities of today, specially our student movement, are the symbol of our arrival in the realm of world culture and leaving the realm of influence of Islamic, Palestinian Middle East.
This movement has suffered many problems due to repressions and cracking down on it in the recent years and from one side passivity and desperation and on the other side a raw radicalism has penetrated part of the movement and has given rise to separation. Specially expanded excitements following fall of Saddam, which made the Iranians and equally the students and the youth tremendously impatient and left them in a hasty reaction, as a result, part of the student movement, impressed by the publicity and radio TVs outside the borders of the country, tried to take the burden of the entire responsibility of the transformation of the Iranian society and even the fall of the despots. The support given by the U.S. president to this movement, yet added to these problems inn such manner that the despots had their dreams realized and managed to introduce the student movement as a security risk that could overthrow the regime.
Now, what would not have happened has happened? We should do something for the near future. The first pace abroad is to align all the groups defending the human rights in Iran and grasping the attention of any important international authority in connection with pressures and repression that is taking place in the university atmosphere of Iran. Secondly, the suppression and repression by despots which has targeted the families and relations and work and life of activists of student movement must be discovered and divulged.
We must rise to staunchly and resolvedly confront the project of “making students repent”, which is an anti-humane, criminal act in our daily support for leaders of the students. An earnest to drag the feet of such repressive elements like Shahroudi and Mortazavi and others to international courts and tribunals and filing complaints with internationally recognized institutions is among the vital tasks in this crucial combat to stop the repressive machine of jurisprudents’ (mullahs’) regime and save the universities and student movement from this whirlpool.
Most important of all, the very incessant, perpetual combat and struggle in support of combatants and students who are being kept in detention will encourage them and prove our unity and moral steadfastness.
Active students and cadres of Iranian democratic movement should be aware that we the opposition outside the country are not separated from them. Here, too, we live with our half body. Our heart, soul and thought is there, with the devoted Iranian students.
And on the question of the seventh anniversary of the establishment of the organization, while extending our congratulations to the members of the organization and thanking those who have always supported us in the way of our combats, we bring to your notice some points about the activities of the organization:
At the start of announcement of our identity (our organization), we began our activity with the cooperation of 50 persons, but presently we are proud to cooperate with 4250 active persons inside Iran and 17700 persons outside the country.
These persons are in constant contact with the organization and more than 100,000 persons have established their contact with us from Iran and from the world over through correspondence, E-mail, fax and telephone contact and have demanded to register their memberships, but due to fiscal problems, we have so far failed to make these persons active, however, all of them have received organizational codes and we hope in coming years we will take use of these dear colleagues in development of our dear homeland through a JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN the very beginning of the activity and declaration of entity of the organization as now, we have not spared nor been neglectful of the ideas and thoughts of all political groups to advance our combat ends and have used their guidelines.
In this way in the first step, we have published the national unity publication in London with the cooperation of our friends and political colleagues. In the next step, we managed to publish Bamdad Iran with a monthly circulation of 50000 in London by good offices and efforts of Mr. Farhad Moshiri and distributed it throughout the world even in Iran through the assistance of organization members.
The organization and its activities were known very fast among the youth and with the help of the same members, everyday struggle centres were opened up throughout the world and the number of activists of the organization increased. Inside Iran, the regime of Islamic republic has detained, tortured and murdered our organization members just like other combatants and here we hold in honour the memory of all of them.
The government of Islamic republic which is being run by some illiterate, ignorant mullahs (clergymen), has been systematically exercising execution and torture for 25 years and has pillaged the properties of the Iranian people and in this way, the regime employs any trick or intrigue or plot in order to tone down the extent of its crimes. In this way, by turning the character of a treacherous, mercenary and cunning person like Khatami, has tried to continue its loathsome, notorious life for some longer while. This person, by offering ostentatious, pompous talks about the civilizations dialogue and establishment of democracy, managed to amuse the world society so that its pals and lackeys behind the curtains would be able to furtively pillage the properties and make atomic bomb and embark upon terrorist actions.
During the period, they have equally stifled the echoes of struggle of students and have executed many of them and have stepped up this repressive measure. European statesmen, who themselves, are more aware about what has happened to people, defend the so-called reformist government in order to preserve its interests and claim that he has managed to establish better conditions towards political, economic liberty.
It is really a matter of regret and sorrow that these European states play ignorant and compete with each other to reach ever more interests in Iran and how dishonestly they commit this! As we witnessed, and it broke out in the news during September 2003, a Norwegian oil company which most shares are state-owned gives a tribute of 15 million dollars to son of Mr. Rafsanjani so that this latter would conclude an oil contract with Iran. How deep the honesty and morality of Europeans has fallen that they ruin their shame and face at the mercy of mullahs!
Recently, we witnessed new crimes by mullahs. They have resorted to the dirty trick of napping dissidents and killing them and sending their records and files to police investigation office under the title of smugglers and participants in the personal quarrels and finally deliver their bodies to their families. Thus, they both get rid of dissidents and win the title of protectors of human rights due to decrease in list of executions.
Following this tricky ploy by the rule of ignorance and despotism of Islamic republic of Iran, I have a short message for the foreign states, particularly Britain, Belgium, France, Austria, Germany and Norway.
Respectable heads of European unity, the time has now come for you to, at least for a single time, hear the agonies of suffering Iranian people and not to sidetrack the issue and not to flirt over the economic interests with the mullahs, because you yourself will be the first persons to bear the brunt of the consequences and will receive the blow. Supporting a terrorist-educating country and violator of human rights has no benefits for the world society but loss and failure.
With appreciation
Ali Befroei
How to contact our HEZBE ETTHAD E MELLI IRAN office
Dear compatriots may approach the central office through following contacts
through correspondence and reference in person
UIP Phone and Fax Numbers in UK
Tel: +44 (0) 207 1128266
Mobile 1: +44 (0) 791 6352889
Mobile 2: +44 (0) 745 6547230
E-mail: bef120@yahoo.co.uk
Those who would wish to refer in person to the organization are requested to kindly make an appointment with the organization through a call so the persons in charge would be able to be at your service. Further, the telephone message-receiving apparatus of the organization would bee ready to record your requests outside office hours. Officials responsible for computer section of the organization will be ready to receive your Emails day and night (round the clock)
We are ready to receive your views, articles and news in order to render our services in the best possible manner and offer the same to the Iranians society. In order to receive the latest news and developments of the JEBHE ETTHAD E MELLI VA MIHANI IRAN , you may refer to our website addresses in various countries